Klibur Domin

Fundasaun Klibur Domin, organizsaun karidade ida iha Timor-Leste hodi fornese asistensia saude no sosial ba Timor oan sira. Ami fokus … Read more

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Bairo Pite Clinic

In Spirit of Dr. Daniel Murphy, the Bairo Pite Clinic Lanud is dedicated to the ministry of Christ. As Caregivers … Read more

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Action for Change Foundation (ACF)

Timor-Leste has been suffering from violent conflict during the past decade. In the wake of the fighting, a generation of … Read more

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Our mission is to promote healthy communities in Timor-Leste through programs that strengthen public sector primary health care, engage communities … Read more

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HIAM Health derives from the acronym of our tagline in Tetun, Hamutuk Ita Ajuda Malu. In English, it says “Together … Read more

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CSEP-Civil Sosiety Education Partnership iha Timor-Leste

Civil Society Education Partnership (CSEP) hanesan Asosiasaun ida ne’ebe establese legalmente iha Timor-Leste liu husi Ministerio da Justiça iha loron … Read more

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Women in Timor-Leste are strong, resilient, brave. They fought for the country’s independence and keep fighting daily to rebuild this … Read more

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ChildFund Timor-Leste

ChildFund has been working in Timor-Leste since 1990, working with local communities to build a new, stable and prosperous future … Read more

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Ba Futuru / For the Future

To build a peaceful, positive and productive Timor-Leste through using innovative approaches that will: protect children, reduce violence, empower women … Read more

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Plan International Timor-Leste

Girls in Timor-Leste are particularly vulnerable. Physical, sexual and emotional violence are common and the patriarchal society limits opportunities for … Read more

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Oxfam in Timor-Leste

As Oxfam, we focus on Timor-Leste’s need for rural development to address the issue of poverty and the inequality between … Read more

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Uma Paz Baucau

Kria ambiente ida nebe iha igualdade entre feto no mane, hodi assesu justica ba igualdade Jeneru. Promove no hakbiit direitu … Read more

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KHC - Knua Haberan Comunidade

Hare ba Timor-Leste ida ne'ebé Furak, Sosiedade ida ne'ebé Edukado, iha Justisa sosial, Hakmatek, Kreativu, iha Igualdade jeneru no Moris … Read more

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Casa Vida – Timor Leste

“To promote the right to life, protection and citizenship as guaranteed by the Constitution of Timor Leste and the UN’s … Read more

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La’o Hamutuk

The people of Timor-Leste, women and men, of current and future generations, will live in peace and contentment. They will … Read more

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PRADET - Psychosocial Recovery and Development in East Timor

For a strong, healty community that protects and supports its most vulnerable people including those who are afected by trauma, … Read more

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FOKUPERS - Communication Forum for Timorese Women.

Helping women and girls to live in a home, community, and nation that respects gender equality.

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PHD - Partnership for Human Development Australia Timor-Leste

To support the people and Government of Timor-Leste to build and sustain healthy, educated and prosperous individuals and communities, who … Read more

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Catalpa International

Catalpa International is a global development organisation creating change through human-centred design. We integrate technology and behavioural insights with locally-driven … Read more

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Nazareth Foundation

The aim of the Nazareth Foundation is to develop the capabilities of disadvantaged people in Timor-Leste to enable them to … Read more

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FONGTIL - Forum Organizasaun Naun Govermentál Timor-Leste

Vizaun FONGTIL nian mak: Timor Leste nasaun ida ne’ebe dezenvolvidu, ho prosperu no livre hosi eksplorasaun, diskriminasaun no korupsan, no … Read more

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HAI - Health Alliance International

Our mission is to promote policies and support programs that strengthen government primary health care and foster social, economic, and … Read more

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TOMAK - To’os ba Moris Di’ak

TOMAK (To’os ba Moris Di’ak, or Farming for Prosperity) is an agricultural livelihoods program supported by the Australian Government in … Read more

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Maluk Timor

Maluk Timor is an NGO that aims to transform healthcare in Timor-Leste’s community health centres, so that people get great … Read more

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Belun - Empowering Communities Together

Belun’s mission is to serve society and prevent conflict with integrity and innovation. Based in Dili, Timor-Leste, Belun has a … Read more

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The Asia Foundation – Timor-Leste

For 27 years, The Asia Foundation has worked alongside civil society, community, and government partners in Timor-Leste. The Foundation is … Read more

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MAHON - Many Hands One Nation.

Many Hands One Nation (MAHON) Foundation is a Youth-led non-profit organization based in Dili, Timor-Leste and established in December 2015. … Read more

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LELI: Lorosa’e English Language Institute

To provide the highest quality language training and related services in Timor-Leste. To be recognised as the country’s leading language … Read more

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Alola Foundation

WOMEN OF TIMOR-LESTE HAVE EQUAL STATUS IN ALL ASPECT OF LIFE (Access, participation, role in decision making, enjoyment of benefits) … Read more

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ETDA - East Timor Development Agency

To build relations of trust between us and our clients by providing quality services in their fields. To be a … Read more

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HADEZTA - Haburas Dezemvolve Talento

Juventude hanesan roman no masin ba Nasaun, sira presiza hetan kapasitasaun diak. Sei joventude fraku Nasaun nia vida sei sai … Read more

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